Supporting Our Children Through Crisis | Big Exciting Giveaway Update

Dear Jeff and Paige Fans,

As we consider what we can offer our Colorado community right now we are thinking about children and helping them process the Marshall Fire without becoming hopeless or depressed. This is a long journey, perhaps one might say, a lifelong journey. Being human, with our inherent impermanence, is a uniting reality and a confusing one.

One of the reasons "Jeff and Paige" choose to educate about nature and science is because these subjects are at the very edge of what we can know and understand. These "subjects" are an avenue into the deepest parts of being alive and present here on earth. When something as big and destructive as fire and natural disaster sweep through our lives we are reminded, forcefully, of this impermanence.

And then, as parents, we have the added task of translating these experiences for our children.
We are working to develop the best offering we can for our community during these next few months. In the meantime we are here for you:

  • If you need a message of love to you/your kids from Jeff and Paige. Please request it here.
  • If you need some free diversions watch the full "Little Songs Big Science Playlist." There is a video for each song on the album
  • We don't have any in person events planned for January, but our member community next gathers for a livestream science and nature show and craft on January 17th to make invisible ink!
  • If you need a free Jeff and Paige Membership for ANY reason. Say the word. Email us: