Growing Up Boulder, Maternity Leave, Meadow Music! An Action Packed Update From Jeff And Paige!

When Jeff and I found out we were going to be having our second child right around the time that our busy season normally starts, we panicked, just a little. The spring and summer months are when we do the most shows, make a lot of our income, and also meet and greet many new fans. In the midst of the panic, however, I found some calm.

“Jeff,” I said. “I don’t think we need to worry. I just think we need to trust. I mean think about it, our fans, of anyone in the world, will totally understand what we’re going through and the changes we’ll have to accommodate for with our performance schedule.”

After all, you’re parents, right along with us! In fact, one of the best perks of my job—as a children’s performer— is getting to talk with other moms and dads after the show, comparing notes, commiserating about lost sleep, and feeling so much love and understanding for this phase of life. I hope you feel that back from us as well.

As we began to plan our year of performing we wanted to find the perfect final event to offer before I take maternity leave (worried about Meadow Music? never fear, read on!), and right about then the folks from Growing Up Boulder contacted us about performing at their Child-Friendly Map of Boulder. Everything about it was a great fit—the launch of a child-focused map of our city, the timing right at the beginning of May, and the fact that it’s being hosted by Growing Up Boulder, just as we are growing our own new little one to join the community. The event sold out quicker than we could have imagined so if you don’t have tickets be sure to read more about the project here.

It’s a wild feeling to take some of the summer off to welcome our new little one. Normally the beginning of spring is a time filled with flexing our performance muscles and getting ready for a lot of hot sweaty concert-filled days. This year I’m working on walking the mile loop near our house and napping between shows! Preparing for a new baby mentally and physically while continuing to perform shows has been challenging, but also rewarding because I can be so transparent about how I’m feeling! Thank you to all of our wonderful audience members and fans for your love and support.

This year we’ll still run Jeff and Paige summer camp with the support of Thorne Nature Experience and we’ll also host Meadow Music with the support of Open Space and Mountain Parks at Chautauqua Park. We have some other exciting events for you at the Butterfly Pavilion in July, the Boulder County Fair in August, and in celebration of summer reading in Lafayette, Colorado. You may see me, Paige, at these events, or perhaps a little more of Jeff!!

In the meantime, we’re running a special in our online store for the next two weeks—ends May 24! Use discount code MATERNITY for 15% off of your purchase! Any sales will support our summer of welcoming our new little one.

To be sure you don’t miss any news from us sign up on our email list and hopefully I’ll see you at a concert soon! From our family to yours happy spring and happy outdoor explorations!