A heartfelt update from Jeff and Paige and some info on our new offerings

Days are long, moments are short? Or is it the moments that are long and the days are short? Let's be honest nothing about this experience feels short right now with two small children at home. And yet someday it will be in the past and perhaps, just perhaps some part of us will miss these full chaotic work/life balance out the window, personal time? What's that? Kind of days.

Launching our paid subscription Jeff and Paige Fan Club was a part of our larger business plan, something we hoped would be a way to create some sustainable passive income for ourselves and a way to spread our reach. Never in a million years did we dream it would be our only income stream (at least for a while) and certainly we didn't imagine launching this new platform, creating content, and strategizing our marketing with our kids at all of our meetings and shoots. We imagine many of you are in similar places. Perhaps some of you are enjoying a slowed down pace of life, or not traveling, or perhaps you're stomping your feet in frustration much like that four-year-old who did the same thing a moment earlier. Wherever you are on this planetary journey and forced global moment of pause we hope that we can provide you with some relief, joy, and education.

Most importantly we hope you are well and that your extended families are too. If there is anything that we, Jeff and Paige, can do to support you through this journey, a special message, a funny phone call, please don't hesitate to ask. We're putting out daily content on our subscription platform and we're so excited that we have the opportunity to offer at least a month's worth of that content for free! In the meantime for those who jumped on board right away as paid subscribers we are so so so so grateful. Wherever you land on this continuum, we really want you to use what we are offering, to engage with us in our online community. Please make requests, send us notes, take pictures and videos of your kids enjoying nature and let us know what you are up to in these times while we are socially distant from one another, and yet so deeply fully and undeniably interconnected.

With love and well wishes, Jeff, Paige, Wolf, and Alice.